Our mission is to create a global culture of leaders whose mindset is aligned with the Gospel of The Kingdom of God. Since day one, humans have aligned their way of being with something. In our generation, we constantly have media being thrown at our eyes and calling us to align ourselves with whatever message they’re spreading. Truth is, God came from Heaven to Earth in the form of a man, Jesus came to deliver one message which He called the Good Message of The Kingdom of Heaven and to set us from from sin by giving His life to pay for our sins. This is the message all believers have to align themselves with. Jesus came down from Heaven to teach and was crucified for preaching this message. When He resurrected and before ascending into Heaven, He left us with direct instructions. He said “All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” This is why we are eager to use digital engagement to raise up leaders across the world by teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded. We believe that obedience to Jesus’ instructions is what will continue to spread the Good Message of the Kingdom of God, save the lost and change the world. We do this through video teachings on our social media accounts, blogs, short films and local gatherings. In the near future, we are going to be launching a private digital discipleship ministry fo those who are willing to be a catalyst for discipleship in their local communities. Start praying and asking yourself this “Am I willing to answer Jesus’ call of being a disciple that makes disciples?” If that’s you, stay connected and engage with us through our social media accounts and when we gather at a town nearby.
Matthew 28:18-20,